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Rite of Passage

Exile! For your crimes you have been banished from the loving arms of the Protectorate, and now lie choking in the dust of the Wastes. There is but one way to atone your sins and be welcomed back to civilisation's warm embrace - The Rites. Gather your fellows, compete against those who would see you remain scrabbling in the dirt, and for those who triumph - ascension awaits.


Rite of Passage is a Live Action Roleplaying game (LARP). This page serves as a placeholder with some basic info, while we get the site together.

If you want to be informed when the full wiki is published, please fill in the interest form. We also have a Discord.

Event 1 will take place at Johns Lee Wood Scout Camp, from 30th May 2025 to 1 June 2025. The LARP will run over multiple events (probably 5, depending on player action during the campaign), at a rate of one or two per year.

This is a game about personal hope - the hope of earning a better life for yourself back in civilization.

This is a game about societal hope - the hope that in your success, you can change an unfair and broken world for the better.

This is a game about conflict and competition - a non-lethal PvP game of prowess in the Rites (an IC ritualised sport loosely based on the videogame Pyre).

This is a game about diplomacy and negotiation - if you cannot win, perhaps you can convince those who might win to make the changes you seek.

This is a game about risk and reward - gamble on the rites, use powerful artefacts which could help or hinder you, make the big plays that could pay off spectacularly.

This is a game for characters who are outsiders, revolutionaries, outcasts, and troublemakers.

What Will Players Be Doing?

Player characters are exiles, banished to the Wastes, and participating in the Rites as their only hope of returning to the Protectorate. Any that return will do so into positions of influence and power (the character will no longer be playable, but can make changes to the setting and send letters back to be delivered at the next event). There will be a limited number of opportunities to return, which will be obtained through the Rites and some related trials.

This is a PvP game - there will be competition for resources, and particularly for those opportunities for returning to the Protectorate. There will be no character death during the game, and no combat outside of the Rites.

Rite of Passage will use a class-based system. While the focus of the game is on the Rites, which are represented by LARP combat, there are several non-combat options.

Players may be:

  • Participants in the Rites, a ritualised fantasy sport using LARP combat mechanics
  • Visionaries, giving out long-term buffs by creating visions for others from randomly selected story elements
  • Supporters, supporting a team during the rites by invoking effects which help or hinder players
  • Alchemists, creating consumable items from scavenged or bartered resources
  • Purgers, diagnosing and treating magical curses
  • Traders, with a regular income of money and items

There will be ways for the non-combat classes to achieve freedom from exile, and there will be plot specifically focused around those roles.

What Next?

We will aim to finalise the player-facing setting and most of the mechanics before Christmas, at which point we will publish the full wiki (this website), and open booking. Finalising the mechanics may take a little longer, depending on the results of our playtesting, but we will aim to have final mechanics and open up character submissions by the end of January.

For participants in the Rites, it will be possible to either come in as part of a team, or as a solo player - there will be opportunities to join and create teams in play.

If you want to be informed when the full wiki is published, please fill in the interest form. We also have a Discord, where regular updates and occasional sneak previews will be posted.

We are aiming for a ticket price of £70, with catering extra (likely £30). Crewing will be free (and include catering). Concessions will be available to any that need them.


The setting, style, and tone of the game take inspirations from:

  • The Hunger Games (more the vibes of Capital and the competitors, than the games themselves)
  • Real life professional sports leagues

All games are built on the shoulders of those that came before us. Particular inspirations for some of the mechanics of Rite of Passage include:

  • Tales Untold
  • A Faint Hope Blossoms
  • Pandemonium
  • Eternal Fire
start.1730307323.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/30 16:55 by gm_mike